Films money

Films money

Five best films about money

1. The Wolf of Wall Street

Jordan Belfort was not only lucky with business, he himself was the embodiment of business. He created himself, he was a man who made his own destiny, he wasn`t afraid of anything, he didn`t dream, but he didthings. The world of Wall Street is not for weaklings,you need to have a lot of potential to succeed there.Although Jordan initially didn`t succeed due to the market crash, but he didn`t give up. As is usually the case in such stories, there are a lot of drugs and prostitutes. His business, society, needs saturated him so much that he himself got used to his image of a rich bastard. This was the beginning of the collapse.

Production Companies: Red Granite Pictures, EMJAG Productions, Appian Way Productions, Sikelia Productions

/ Running time: 180 minutes / Genre: …../ Release date: december 25, 2013 (United States)

* The Wolf of Wall Street /epic biographical black comedy crime film/ — Wikipédia/.

2. Pirates of Silicon Valley

The film “Pirates of Silicon Valley” shows the viewer exactly how the utopian ideas of young visionaries turn into projects that change the world. It`s a story of the conquest of the world by computer geniuses Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.

The revolution happened when no one was expecting it. It all started at the dawn of the eighties, in small back rooms, where two unknown programmers were inventing and fantasizing. Real prototypes Bill Gates and Steve Jobs as characters are already a reason to bring this story into your filmography.

You will learn how Apple and Microsoft began, how two geniuses went their way, combining genius with greed, purposefulness with vindictiveness, workaholism with personal complexes. Yesterday’s dreamers turned into billionaires, founding their own empires – Apple and Microsoft.

3. Wall Street

An old film that contains the eternal principles of business, and therefore does not lose its relevance even in our times.

Young broker Bud Fox is ready to do anything for the sake of success. He belongs to the generation of “yuppies” – urban youths with diplomas from prestigious universities, pragmatically looking at life and dreaming of an easy, fast career in the world of business. His idoltrading geniusagreed to cooperatewith him. He manages to attract the attention of theexpert in exchange science and establish friendly and business relationships with him.

It would seem that the thorns ended here and the stars became closer, but the hero discovers that his idol is involved in dishonest games, and not only doesn`t shun machinations, but also draws his young partner into it.

4. Margin Call

Margin Call is the debut work of the American director JS Chandor, marked with Oscar nominations and the main prize of the 61st Berlin Film Festival.

All the drama takes place during one day. The viewer is invited to take a look at the employees of one of the large investment banks at the very beginning of the financial crisis and find out how work on Wall Street looks like from the inside. The main roles in the film were played by Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany and Jeremy Irons.

It is noteworthy that JS Chandor’s father is an investment banker, so the director knows firsthand about the backstage of Wall Street. The film will be useful for both novice financiers and those who are infinitely far from finance, but want to know how everything works in the world of investment bankers.

5. The Company Men

A drama by John Wills centered on the loss-making shipbuilding company GTX, forced to lay off many employees during the recession in the United States.

The company suffers losses and fires employees. Firstis Bobby Walker (Ben Affleck) from sales department.Then – the old-timer of Phil Woodward’s company (Chris Cooper). Walker tries to maintain his usual way of life, but cannot pay off the mortgage, as a result, he loses his house and gets a job as a carpenter with one of his relatives. Woodward pretends to go to work every day so that the neighbors don’t suspect anything, but ends up committing suicide.

Other films:

Category:Films about financial crises  — Wikipédia/. What is a financial crisis !?


Always yours, Jack!

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